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音标: 英 [ˈfɒɪbl] 美 [ˈfɒɪbəl]

n. 弱点, 缺点

n. the weaker part of a sword's blade from the forte to the tip


1. It's a charming foible, one I've come to admire.

这是个迷人的缺点 一个让我欣赏的缺点

2. He holds a mirror up to the daily foibles of the medical profession.

他竖起一面镜子 照出医疗行业的常见错误

3. We're a unique parcel of talents, strengths, weaknesses, foibles and chance.

每个人都是才能 力量 弱点 怪癖以及机遇的独特集合

4. Driving is subject to human foibles which means there are limitless possibilities.

开车则受人的癖好影响 也就意味着有无限的可能

5. Despite their many foibles, they are a unique species amongst the galaxy.

尽管他们有很多缺点 他们是银河系中独一无二的物种

6. Running around the city with your little foibles and your little mishaps and your little shenanigans.

带着你们的怪癖 灾祸还有恶作剧在城里到处转

7. I wanted to do that thing where you walk down the hallway, and someone else is walking the other way, and then you both lean to one side and then the other, and then you both chuckle over your shared foible.

我还想体验当你走在过道上时 有人朝你走来 你俩同时闪到同一边 又同时闪到另一边 为这种小事而低声轻笑

8. Our little foibles, our jokes, even the mistakes we make, every tiny grace note and inflection gives a clue as to what is going on inside the brain.

我們的小癖好 我們開的玩笑 甚至是我們所犯的錯誤 每個微小的細節都能反映出 一個人的腦子里到底在想什么



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

