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音标: 英 [ˈsʌmpleɪs] 美 [ˈsʌmˌples]

adv. 在某处
n. 某处

r in or at or to some place; (`someplace' is used informally for `somewhere')


1. He, uh, went someplace nice, someplace warm.

他去了一个美好 温暖的地方

2. I have someplace more comfortable to take you, someplace more like a real home.

我有个更舒服的地方要带你去 那里更像真正的家

3. She's always imagined herself being someplace better, someplace else other than wherever she actually is.

她一直认为她自己应该配得上更好的 至少与现在的境况不同

4. When I got out, we decided it would be better if I started someplace new, someplace fresh.

我出来以后 家里人觉得我去个新地方 陌生的地方 对我更好

5. Let's get you someplace safe, hopefully someplace that doesn't ell like wet socks.

我带你去安全的地方安顿下来 去个没有臭袜子味的地方

6. Find someplace on the edge of the property, someplace discreet, make sure nobody's watching.

在边界上找个地方 隐蔽点的 确保没人看见

7. If we're right and she's holed up somewhere waiting for him, she's gonna go someplace she knows, someplace calm and familiar to her.

如果我们是对的 她现在正在哪等着他 她会去一个她知道的地方 一个可以让她感到平静和熟悉的地方

8. someplace where I won't have to kill you.


9. He shouldn't be someplace he doesn't want to be.


10. I'm flattered, but I've got someplace to be.

受宠若惊 但我已经有归宿了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

