中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['draɪvə(r)] 美 [ˈdraɪvɚ]

n. 驾驶员, 驱动器, 驱动程序
[化] 驱动器

n. the operator of a motor vehicle
n. someone who drives animals that pull a vehicle
n. a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver
n. (computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device


1. It killed the driver. It killed the driver.

它杀了司机 它杀了司机

2. Not just a driver, a towtruck driver.

不是一般司机 是拖车司机

3. But we need a driver for the truck, a real driver.

但我们需要一个开卡车的司机 一个真正的司机

4. Never thought I'd get my driver's license, and now I've got a driver.

说我连驾照都考不上 看看我现在 私人司机都有了

5. Yeah, I'm not so much a driver as the guy who sits behind the driver in the backseat.

是啊 比起司机 我更适合坐在司机后排的座位上

6. Which means that the jobs of taxi drivers, truck drivers, goes away.

意味着出租车司机 卡车司机都要下岗了

7. Ayrton is always the best driver available, the best driver in car racing.

埃尔顿一直都是最好的车手 是一辆车能遇到的最好的车手

8. I've been speaking to the drivers as well about us getting a driver between us and, you know, chipping in.

我也跟司机们说过了 多找一名司机加入我们

9. bus drivers, cab drivers, the waitress at the diner, that lady at the hotel, plus all of the text messages.

大巴司机 出租车司机 餐馆的女服务员 旅馆的女人 还有各种短信

10. It was a time when drivers still made the difference and all the engineering expertise and electronics still left a great deal for the drivers to do.

那时 仍然是赛手主宰着比赛 工程师和电子技师的权责有限 车手发挥的余地很大



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

