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音标: 英 [ˈku:kɪ] 美 [ˈkukɪ]

a. 古怪的, 乖僻的, 疯狂的, 讨厌的

s informal or slang terms for mentally irregular


1. It's a kooky thing, but it happens to me all the time.

很奇怪 经常在我身上发生

2. He was wild, kooky, and the bane of my dad's existence.

他狂野 古怪 是我爸的痛苦之源

3. It's a supersneaky, kooky caper that stands to benefit you in no way.

这是一次秘密的疯狂行动 对你一点好处也没有

4. A lot of guys had named their own planes, and they had all kinds of kooky names.

很多人都给自己的飞机命名 它们有着各种奇怪的名字

5. I guess I... miss you being around to share that eye roll when she gets kooky.

我想我 蛮怀念你还在家时 在她行为乖张时能陪我一起翻白眼

6. Okay, II know it sounds kooky, but the only thing that's real is your mind.

好吧 我知道这听上去很怪 但唯一真实的东西就是你的意识

7. You get to be the good guy, and your kooky wife leaves you for some guy she met at est.

你还是当好人 是你的疯老婆跟着她在东部认识的家伙跑了

8. Basically it's... it's a kooky family and, you know, it's a father, mother, and a son and two daughters.

基本上... 是关于一个古怪的家庭 父亲 母亲 一个儿子还有两个女儿

9. Yeah, the kooky aunt vibe will probably play a lot better then.

是啊 到时候她身上那种 怪阿姨的气质估计就跟她比较搭了

10. Yeah, I mean, he's a little... kooky, but a mind that can reconceptualize time probably has a reason for keeping a jar of toenail clippings that we just don't understand.

没错 虽然他有点神经兮兮 但他聪明到可以重新概念化时间 那么他用罐子收集自己剪下来的脚趾甲 一定也有我们无法理解的原因了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

