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音标: 英 [ʃi:p] 美 [ʃip]

n. 羊, 胆小者

n. woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat
n. a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon
n. a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision


1. You are the sheep dog, they are the sheep.

你是个牧羊犬 而他们就是羊群

2. If you're a sheep herder and a snake is killing your sheep, all you have to do is prove to the sheep that the snake is a completely inferior entity.

如果你是个牧羊人 而蛇在咬死你的羊 你需要做的就是向你的羊证明 这条蛇完全就是个下等货

3. You know that right, you're sheep, you're just sheep.

你们明白吧 你们就是绵羊 你们都是绵羊

4. A sheep is a sheep, but also meat and wool.

绵羊是羊 但还是肉和羊毛

5. And that's why you have to be sure that your sheep isn't a snake dressed up like a sheep.

这就是为什么你要确定 你拿到的羊不是披着羊皮的蛇

6. Either the bad guys are crawling under the sheep or the sheep are humping.

敌人在羊群下面匍匐着 还是羊群在交配

7. After they were done offloading the sheep, they started throwing out a dead sheep, one that got trampled.

他们卸下绵羊后 他们开始抛弃一只死掉的绵羊 一只给践踏而死的绵羊

8. If you're a sheep herder and a snake is killing your sheep, you just need to have the snake get sued for sexual misconduct.

如果你是个牧羊人 一条蛇要咬死你的羊 你只需要告那条蛇举止不轨就好了

9. That's the sheep and that's the goat.

这样是绵羊 这样是山羊

10. Some sheep on the island were killed.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

