中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [krɪspnəs] 美 [krɪspnəs]

n. 易碎, 精神愉快

n. a pleasing firmness and freshness
n. an expressive style that is direct and to the point


1. I need some crisps. I really need crisps.

我要吃薯片 我要吃薯片

2. Looked pretty crisp to me. ‭It does look crisp.

我觉得看上去很松脆 看上去的确很松脆

3. or what was left of it. It was burned to a crisp.

或者说是残骸 都烧成废墟了

4. I had a bag of crisps this morning, thanks.

我今早吃了包薯片 谢谢

5. There's a crisp five dollar bill in it for you if you do.

你要是努力工作的话 会赏给你五块钱哦

6. Where are the crisps? I can't get the taste out of my mouth.

炸薯片哪去了 我尝不出味道了

7. On the surface he is cleaner than a crisp chardonnay.

表面上看起来 他比一杯清新的霞多丽还要清白

8. Because I've been eating crisps and it doesn't always work.

因为我吃了薯片 有时会识别失败

9. So anyways, this should fry anything and everything to a crisp.

不管怎样 这足以把任何东西烤化

10. a clean, crisp sound that gets me right here.

它会发出一声脆响 让我无法自拔



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

