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音标: 英 [mai'si:liәm]

n. 菌丝体
[医] 菌丝体

n. the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae


1. This is what my counterpart has been using his mycelium for.


2. My original sample, and the lastremaining mycelium of this strain.

我最初的样本 菌丝仅存的最后一株

3. This ship's spore drive travels on a network of mycelium.


4. I've spent my entire career trying to grasp the essence of mycelium.

我的整个研究生涯 都在试图掌握菌丝的本质

5. Uh, the sensors show the mycelium have already begun to attack the hull.

传感器显示菌丝已经 开始攻击船体

6. Guess what happens if we mix those co ic gasses with our concentration of mycelium spores we have on board.

想知道宇宙气态遇到我们船上 高浓度的菌丝孢子会发生什么吗

7. The spores and the drive were functioning at a fraction of their capacity until we presented the mycelium with an animate copilot.

孢子和引擎 只有部分能运转 除非我们给菌丝体配备 一个有生命的副驾驶

8. This ship's spore drive travels on a network of mycelium that's spread across the entire galaxy.

这艘飞船的孢子引擎在分布在整个银河系的 菌丝网络上穿梭

9. Its fungal roots, aka mycelium, spread across the universe, fanning out into infinity to create a matrix that serves as our intergalactic freeway system.

它的真菌根 又称菌丝体 遍及了全宇宙 无限延伸 铺设了一个道路网 可作为我们跨星系的高速路系统



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

