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音标: 英 [lʌk] 美 [lʌk]

n. 运气, 幸运, 好运, 侥幸
vi. 靠好运成功

n. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
n. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome


1. Might improve your luck. I don't believe in luck.

也许能让你走运些 我才不相信运气

2. It takes luck to upload, and I don't come from luck.

上载需要运气 但我并不来自运气的世界

3. But if it is to be luck, then you should have this.

但如果真的是运气 那你该拿着这个

4. With any luck, I won't be down until it's all over.

运气好的话 等全都结束了我才会下楼

5. Now, I would wish you good luck on your journey, but here's the thing about luck.

我也想祝你们旅途好运 但运气的问题是

6. I believe in good luck. I just don't believe in bad luck.

我相信好运 只是不相信霉运

7. No, I'm saying that what looks like it might be bad luck may not be bad luck.

我是说塞翁失马 焉知非福

8. Spilling salt is bad luck, and throwing a pinch over your shoulder reverses the bad luck.

把盐弄撒代表着噩运 往肩膀上撒一小把盐 能扭转运气

9. No luck. I wouldn't worry about it.

没发现 我对此并不担心

10. And with any luck, she's not a dogface.

运气好的话 她长得也不会太难看



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

