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音标: 英 [hʌn] 美 [hʌn]

n. 匈奴人, 德国佬, 野蛮人

n. a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century


1. We can't have a dog in a hotel room, Hun.

在旅馆里我们不能养狗 亲爱的

2. Read it out to me, Hun, will you? I'm doing my homework.

来帮我看一下 我在做作业呢

3. I need the toilet. In a minute, Hun.

我想上厕所 稍等一会儿 宝贝

4. I'll fix it, Hun. I got a chopstick in my purse.

亲爱的 我来搞定 我包里有筷子

5. They're just here to ask some question, Hun. It's okay.

他们就是来问话的 没事

6. Well, we're living the dream now, Hun.

我们现在梦想成真了 亲爱的

7. Hun, we can't let them see how the fridge is now.

亲爱的 我们不能让他们看到冰箱是空的

8. So let's say you have more than 1,000 Huns and that's what they've sighted.

比如他们看到 匈奴数量超过一千

9. So the rule here is talking about what you should do when the Huns come into the border.

这条规则是说当匈奴入侵边境时 该如何应对

10. She called her first hu and "Hun" 'cause he was one.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

