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音标: 英 [kəmˈpəʊʒə(r)] 美 [kəmˈpoʒɚ]

n. 镇静, 沉着

n. steadiness of mind under stress


1. Your composure is one of my turnons.


2. You lost your composure and ruined our entire case.

你当时情绪失控 搞砸了仲裁

3. I have to say that you've shown a remarkable amount of composure.

不得不说 你表现得很沉着冷静

4. And then, when I lost my composure, you thought I had been fattening you like cattle.

然后当我失心疯的时候 你们以为我只是把你们当待宰的羔羊

5. Oh, I suggest you regain your composure and make a move.

我建议你冷静下来 快点下棋

6. I consumed two egg whites and a green bean and regained my composure.

我吃了两份蛋白 一颗绿豆 就恢复了我平时的沉着冷静

7. By turns fascinated and reassured, his mouth, his composure, his steady, loving gaze.

癡迷與安心交替出現 他的嘴脣 他的沉着 他一直充滿愛意的凝視

8. Just like at Indy, they'll stop twice through the race to refuel and regain some composure.

同在印第安纳一样 比赛中他们要停下来两次 加油并恢复一下状态

9. Yana has the voice, the composure, that makes her the perfect fit for billboards, selling makeup.

雅娜有美妙的声音 优雅的仪态 能让她成为音乐榜单的常客 创建化妆品牌

10. The way you do your job, the way you cope with the pressure, the personal sacrifices you've made, not to mention your composure and dignity.

你履行职责与应对压力的方式 你所作出的个人牺牲 更别提你的沉着与高贵



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

