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音标: 英 [ˈmeɪflaɪ] 美 [ˈmeˌflaɪ]

n. 蜉蝣, 蜉蝣状钓饵

n. slender insect with delicate membranous wings having an aquatic larval stage and terrestrial adult stage usually lasting less than two days


1. The mayflies are spinning and they're all up the sides of these trees.

蜉蝣不停地 绕着树旋转飞舞

2. The mayflies gather along the river to dance or "spin", as it's known.

蜉蝣聚在河上 跳舞 或者说"旋转"

3. Mayflies start their lives as wingless insects on the bottom of the river.

蜉蝣刚出生时 是在河底的无翅昆虫

4. Stonefly and mayfly larvae have gills, with which they extract oxygen from the water.

石蝇和蜉蝣的幼虫有鳃 能够使它们从水中提取氧气

5. Just hours after the first mayflies appeared, this great eruption of life is over.

离第一只蜉蝣出现只过去了几个小时 这场华丽的生命大爆发已经结束了

6. I kind of feel for mayflies because you know you see them, like this little guy here, his wings haven't worked properly.

我还是会为蜉蝣难过 因为你看它们 就像这个小家伙 翅膀都还没长硬

7. It's a time of plenty for the animals along the river, who like nothing more than to gorge themselves on swarms of juicy mayflies.

对河边的动物来说 此时食物充足 到处都是他们最爱的肥美蜉蝣 能让他们饱餐一顿

8. mayfly larvae live in mud, so if we put the net down, look, kick all that load of mud into the net, right, everyone have a look.

蜉蝣的幼虫生长在泥里 所以我们把网放下去 看 踢一堆泥到网里 好了 都过来看



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

