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音标: 英 [ˈmɒnstrəs] 美 [ˈmɑ:nstrəs]

a. 巨大的, 畸形的, 怪异的
[法] 巨大的, 异形的, 畸形的:荒诞的

s. abnormally large


1. And then before you know it... I'm not being monstrous.

在你意识到以前 我不是残忍

2. This is monstrous. I've spoken with many of them.

这太 了 我找他们中很多人都谈过了

3. You must not do it again, but it is not so monstrous that you were tempted to do it.

你今后不可再犯 但你受到诱惑那样做了 也没什么可怕的

4. He said what I did was monstrous, but that I was not a monster, yes.

他说我的所为穷凶极恶 但我不是个禽兽 没错 是这样说的

5. It was about that monstrous woman and how she tortured me for a year.

是因为那个可怕的女人 她折磨了我一年

6. We're not actually sure who's more monstrous him or the dragon.

我们也不确定到底谁更凶神恶煞 他还是那头龙

7. This cannot surely be the monstrous creature we seek.


8. Peter, that city is a monstrous shadow.

彼得 这座城市是可怕的阴影

9. Meanwhile, my dad was still being monstrously stubborn.

与此同时 我爸的顽固程度也是怪物级别的

10. It's that thing you designed, that monstrous armored cart.

是你设计的那东西 怪物战车



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

