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音标: 英 [draʊn] 美 [draʊn]

vi. 淹死
vt. 把...淹死, 淹没

v. get rid of as if by submerging
v. die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating
v. kill by submerging in water


1. It's like I was drowning... I was drowning.

感觉在下沉 一直往下沉

2. As opposed to, he drowns, or he pulls you under, and you both drown, or you drown, and he makes it, or you get eaten by a ing shark.

但也有可能 他淹死或者他拉着你 你们一起淹死 或者你淹死 他活下来了 或者你们被鲨鱼吃了

3. To drown my sorrows, before I drown a fairy princess.

去淹没我的悲伤 免得我淹死一个仙女公主

4. Where were you? I'm drowning out here.

你怎么才来 我都快忙死了

5. So, even if she didn't drown, it's gonna look like she drowned.

所以就算她不是淹死的 看起来也像是

6. And there are no rivers or fountains in the abbey, at least not such as someone could drown or be drowned in.

而修道院里并没有河流和泉水 至少没有能把人淹死的流水

7. All three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together.

我们三人都淹在水里 我们不知道如何拯救对方 但我们都明白 我们要一起溺水而亡

8. They would have drowned in their own blood.


9. If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here.

就算我想淹死你们 也不会选这里

10. But you're not drowning, and that's something.

但是你也没有淹死 所以也算有点成果



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

