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[医]有残留性, 持久地, 耐久地

r. in an enduring or permanent manner


1. We were the last astronauts, this is the last shuttle, these are the last nuclear bombs.

我们是最后的宇航员 这是最后的飞船 那些是最后的核弹

2. And if you click here, you can see the same day last week, last month, and last year.

你点这里就能看到上礼拜的 上个月的 还有去年的

3. I mean... the grieving process, you know, could last days, could last weeks, could last years.

那种悲痛的心情 可能持续几天 几周 也可能持续好几年

4. So, whatever this is, it can't last, and they know that it can't last.

所以 不管这是什么感情 它都不会长久 他们自己也知道

5. Because it lasts longer. It lasts forever.

因为它持续的时间更长 可以持续到永远

6. With the last echo of the last bell, at the last stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken and all will return to what it was before.

午夜最后一次敲钟的 最后一声钟响结束之时 咒语就会失效 一切都会变回原本的样子

7. One day you'll... eat your last meal, ell your last flower, hug your friend for the very last time.

总有一天你会吃你最后一顿饭 闻最后一次花 最后一次拥抱你的朋友

8. After this last stroke, he's not expected to last the night.

这次中风后 他应该撑不过今晚了

9. Do you remember last night? It was last night.

你还记得昨晚的事吗 就在昨天晚上

10. I was the last person he trusted the last person he had.

我是他最后一个信任过的人 最后一个陪伴他左右的人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

