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音标: 英 [ˈmʌgʃɒt] 美 [ˈmʌgʃɑ:t]

[法] 面部照片, 嫌疑犯照片

n a photograph of someone's face (especially one made for police records)


1. It made it onto my mugshot, that's all.

写在了我的入狱照上 仅此而已

2. Well, between us, that mugshot took a toll on her.

别跟别人说啊 档案照的事她还没缓过来

3. You cried sitting next to me, going through all those mugshots.


4. The grandfather and the kid are coming in to look at more mugshots.

那个爷爷和孩子来 辨认嫌疑人的更多照片

5. Yes, by isolating the ear and running it against the mugshot database.

是的 通过分离这个耳朵 把它放进面部照片数据库中查找

6. I want to know why you've got Ian's mugshot on your desk.


7. The woman whose bag you tried to steal identified you from your mugshot.

被你抢包那个女人 从照片中认出了你

8. We have our shortlist of gangs we should press on and show the bank managers the mugshots.

我们得继续查已经列出的犯罪团伙 给银行经理看看他们的入狱照

9. I'm not the only one in this room that knows the story behind that mugshot that your daughter printed in her paper.

我可不是这屋子里唯一 知道你女儿在报纸上刊登的 那个蒙面杀手背后故事的人

10. I always thought that this, uh, mugshot looked like arrival number four.

我一直觉得这张 面部照片 看起来像第四个到达者



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

