中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['sʌbweɪ] 美 [ˈsʌbˌwe]

n. 地铁, 地道
vi. 乘地铁

n an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city)
n an underground tunnel or passage enabling pedestrians to cross a road or railway


1. Last time, I thought about the subway, and I was on the subway.

上次 我在想地铁 然后就到地铁上了

2. It doesn't stop the subways and it doesn't destroy the city the subway serves.

这样无法阻止地铁 也不会破坏地铁服务的城市

3. And that's just one subway car of one subway of one city.

而这仅仅是一个城市中 一列地铁中的一节车厢

4. I'm not sure how many of you would go and take the subway tomorrow into work if there is a one in 400 chance that that subway wasn't going to make it into work.

我不知道如果明天 你们乘地铁有四百分之一的可能 到不了上班地点 你们中还有多少会乘地铁

5. Luckily I know a lot about jumping in front of subway trains, and she, disturbingly, knows a thing or two about stealing cadavers and rigging them under subway platforms.

幸运的是 我在跳站台卧轨方面是个专家 尽管这让人不安 但她知道点 偷尸体和把尸体藏到地铁站台下的手段

6. Younger cities don't have such a defined center and the center is shifting so if you put a hugely expensive infrastructure such like a subway line, you might find that the new center in a matter of 20 or 30 years is somewhere else where the subway line doesn't go.

开发较晚的城市没有固定的市中心 而且市中心在不断移动 如果花重金造像地铁那样的 公共交通设施 你会发现 二三十年后 新市中心变化到不通地铁的地方

7. We do this, then straight to the subway.

干完这个 直接回地铁站

8. there was an explosion in the subway.

Sorry you had to wait, but apparently

9. And he could have shot you in the subway, but he didn't.

他本来可以在地铁里朝你开枪的 但他没有

10. No, I don't. I don't sit, but I ride the subway.

不 我不坐 但我会乘地铁



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

