中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['sælvəʊ] 美 [ˈsælvo]

n. 保留条款, 遁辞, 保护手段, 齐射, 齐鸣
[法] 保留条款, 但书, 托辞

n. an outburst resembling the discharge of firearms or the release of bombs
n. a sudden outburst of cheers


1. Today's attack was only our first salvo.


2. Think of an opening salvo, then think where it could lead.

想象一个开放式场景 看看会发生什么

3. It also could be an isolated event or a first salvo.

也可能是单独事件 或连续袭击的第一起

4. One salvo of warning shots across the bow.


5. "If those boots are empty, I'll shave." to shoot salvos at noon.

"Count, what are you going to do?" We should make it a tradition,

6. I take it you've all read the blue team's response to our opening salvo.

你们应该都看过 蓝方对于我们的开战做出的回应了吧

7. You've already protected it like a pit bull in this opening salvo.

你在刚开始的时候就像一头斗牛一样 试图保护这家公司

8. I don't think that's gonna play, really, but it's a good opening salvo for us.

我其实觉得那没什么用 但对我们来说是个不错的开始

9. This is not a case... this is the opening salvo on a 50year war for a new class of civil rights.

这可不是一个案子 这是 打响新民权持久战的第一枪

10. I I don't know the closing salvo, the final flank, ttthe way we're mmaking an argument on whistleblowing.

我还不知道该怎么一锤定音 说服他毫不犹豫地站 站出来揭露真相呢



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

