中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [paʊnd] 美 [paʊnd]

n. 磅, 英镑, 重击, 鱼塘, 拘留所, 兽栏
vt. 强烈打击, 捣烂, 监禁, 关入栏内
vi. 连续重击, 苦干

n. 16 ounces avoirdupois
n. a unit of apothecary weight equal to 12 ounces troy
n. a nontechnical unit of force equal to the mass of 1 pound with an acceleration of free fall equal to 32 feet/sec/sec
n. United States writer who lived in Europe; strongly influenced the development of modern literature (1885-1972)


1. We pound, we pound, we work the granite down.

我们使劲捶 不断地捶 在花岗岩上慢慢捶出一条沟

2. Never skinny enough a pound here, a pound there.

总嫌自己不够瘦 这减一点 那减一点

3. That is why, pound for pound, stuntmen are the greatest athletes in the world.

这就是为什么 真要比的话 特技演员才是这世上最出色的运动员

4. pound for pound, a dung beetle is stronger than an elephant.

若体重相同 蜣螂比大象更为强壮

5. And, pound for pound, they're so much cheaper than fish or meat.

同等重量下 它们比鱼啊肉的便宜多了

6. If you were to lose 10 pounds in the street today and then find 10 pounds tomorrow, you would be financially unchanged but actually we respond to changes, so the pain of the loss of 10 pounds looms much larger, it feels more painful.

如果你今天在街上损失了十镑 明天又捡到十镑 你的钱没有变 但我们的反应却有所不同 丢十镑带来的痛苦会更强烈些 会感到更难过些

7. Also, pound for pound, don't give me nearly as bad a hang over.

还有 得合我的重量级 不让我明早上闹宿醉

8. I gained another pound today, but I think it's a pound of knowledge.

我今天又胖了1磅 但我觉得那是1磅重的知识

9. 40,000 pounds a week, 10,000 pounds a day.

每周四万磅 每天一万磅

10. You look like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

