中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['prɔpәtid]

a. 有产的, 使用道具的, 需要道具的

s. owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue


1. She's not your property. I'm your property.

她不是你的财产 那我是你的财产

2. Intellectual property is the same as any other kind of property.


3. About all the activity on our property on everyone's properties.

是关于我们的地产上发生的事情 所有人的地产上

4. Your property is henceforth his property and you're all required to leave this building immediately.

你们的财产也是他的财产 你们必须马上离开这里

5. Therefore labour, the poor man's only property, ought to be as sacred as any other property.

因此劳动力 这个穷人仅有的财产 应当同其他任何财产一样神圣

6. Fiona stole our building to protect her precious property value, so now we're taking her property value into our own hands.

菲奥娜截下了我们的教堂 就为了保护她房产的宝贵价值 于是现在她的房产价值 由我们来掌控了

7. Personalinjury damages are community property, and your honor already ruled her clients were not entitled to any community property because they violated their prenups.

人身伤害赔偿属于 共有财产 法官大人已经裁定她的委托人 由于违反婚前协议 而不享有任何共有财产

8. And we can use this property when we're making communication sounds to help maximise the sound vibrations that we're producing and therefore enhance their communicative properties.

而我们用声音交流时 就可以利用这种性质 使我们发出的声音最大化 从而强化沟通交流的功能

9. It's a selfsufficient turnkey property with a desalination well, a solar and wind farm, fulltime waitstaff, a grounds crew, security team, and a property manager, all paid for in perpetuity by a very healthy trust fund.

这是一个有脱盐水井 太阳能和风力场 全天候服务的侍者 地勤人员 安保团队 和产业经理的能自给自足的 已交付的房产 一支非常健康的信托基金支付了全部开销

10. This tree here doesn't look very mathematical at first sight, but if we look really closely at this bark, it's made of cells, that are made of molecules, that are made of atoms, that are made of quarks and electrons, and as far as we can tell, neither the electrons nor the quarks, nor any of the other particles that make up all of this have any properties at all, except for mathematical properties.

第一眼看去 这棵树也不像是数学的 然而如果我们仔细看这块树皮 它是由细胞构成的 细胞由分子构成 分子由原子构成 原子由夸克和电子构成 据我们所知 无论是电子还是夸克 还是构成这些的其它任何粒子 除了具有数学上的性质之外 不具备别的任何性质



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

