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音标: 英 [bɜ:tʃ] 美 [bɜ:tʃ]

n. 桦树, 桦木, 桦条
[医] 桦

n. hard close-grained wood of any of various birch trees; used especially in furniture and interior finishes and plywood
n. any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark
n. a switch consisting of a twig or a bundle of twigs from a birch tree; used to hit people as punishment
v. whip with a birch twig


1. I'll be waiting by the broken silver birch.


2. They used to beat sailors with the birch.

放在以前 桦木是用来打水手的

3. I suggest a lighter wood, like birch.

我建议要一个浅色木制的 比如桦木

4. Facing the one access road, in a birch.

正对唯一的通路 装在一颗桦树上

5. Chaga's a mushroom that's harvested on birch trees.


6. We can save you a few bucks if you'd prefer birch. I shot you.

如果你更喜欢白桦我们可以便宜点 我对你开了枪

7. That's a banny venik, it's a broom made from birch leaves.

那是桑拿桦叶 是用桦叶绑成的棍子

8. A curved fragment of faux birch, most likely from the steering wheel.

一片人造桦木的弧形碎片 很可能是从方向盘上掉下来的

9. But then you think of the kind of saunas, the birch whipping, the, I don't know, the backslapping and the hugging.

但考虑下这种的桑拿浴 桦条抽打 勾肩搭背 互相熊抱

10. I want to remember his molelike morning face, or boring conversations about hiking, his obsession with birch.

我想记起 早上醒来他那土拨鼠一样的脸 或者关于徒步旅行的无聊对话 他对桦树的痴迷



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