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音标: 英 [ˌɒpəˈtju:nɪzəm] 美 [ˌɑ:pərˈtu:nɪzəm]

n. 机会主义

n. taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others


1. It's a ing great opportunity. It's "the" opportunity.

这是个好机会 “那个”的机会

2. An opportunity to be heard, an opportunity to be something.

一个被倾听的机会 一个有所为的机会

3. If this is an opportunity that won't come around again for a while, then we have to assume that we've had this opportunity before.

如果这是一个 在一段时间内不会再次出现的机会 那我们就得假设 我们之前也有过这样的机会

4. Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


5. The opportunities they had and so on.


6. I believe that there is an opportunity at hand, an opportunity where we control our own futures.

我们现在也许有机会 能掌控我们的未来

7. The floodgates are open and suddenly, all of these opportunities, different opportunities, whether it's for promoting the film like we're trying to do right now or it's being tied to somebody else's product, all these different opportunities that represent real difficult moral and artistic dilemmas start popping up.

闸门突然一开 所有的机会 各种各样的机会 不管它是否有利于电影宣传 就像我们现在的计划一样 不知效果如何 或许它更有利于其它人的商品 所有的这些有关于道德和艺术选择困境的机会 就都开始潮水般涌现

8. The only opportunity we are remotely interested in is the opportunity to see you di antled and prosecuted.

我们唯一稍稍有点兴趣的机会是 看着你们事务所关门大吉 你们锒铛入狱

9. We have an opportunity, an opportunity to spread a noble message far and wide.

我们有机遇 可以把高尚的信息传播得更远更广

10. And now you have another opportunity an opportunity to show leadership through forgiveness.

现在你有另一个机会 通过谅解来展示你的领导力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

