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音标: 英 [æmˈfɪbɪəs] 美 [æmˈfɪbɪəs]

a. 水陆两栖的, 能两栖作战的, 陆海空军协同作战的
[医] 两栖的

a. relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia
a. operating or living on land and in water


1. It's not an amphibious car, it's a boat.

这不是两栖汽车 这是艘船

2. The amphibious guys are going in first.


3. So a lot of them had to unload there and go on in with amphibious tractors.

许多人必须在那里卸下负载 换水陆两用车继续前进

4. I just never expected a warden to be so incredibly sexual and amphibious.

我从来没想到一个典狱长可以这么 性感还有"水陆两栖"

5. It's amphibious. It lives under the water, and at night it comes to the land to sleep.

是两栖生物 生活在水中 当夜幕降临 它们就会上岸睡觉

6. Now, this is the car that currently holds the record for amphibious vehicles.

这就是现在保持着 最高速度纪录的两栖车

7. Since we were trying to break an amphibious speed record, the obvious starting point...was here.

鉴于我们要打破的是两栖车的速度纪录 很显然 我们要从这里开始

8. When we were searching for the midget sub pieces, we ran across numerous damaged amphibious track vehicles.

在我们搜寻袖珍潜艇残骸的过程中 我们发现了大量受损的两栖履带车

9. No, the jet engine isn't my idea, but the idea of making an amphibious car using a jet engine was my idea.

对 喷气引擎的确不是 但是要给两栖车装一个 喷气引擎是我的主意啊



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

