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音标: 英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ] 美 [ˈnɑlɪdʒ]

n. 知识, 学问, 认识, 知道

n the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning


1. We have knowledge now, and knowledge is power.

现在我们掌握知识了 知识就是力量

2. Local knowledge is crucial knowledge you don't have.

对当地的了解很重要 你不具备这个条件

3. So it really is based off of just knowledge of the store, knowledge of what sells.

这一切的基础就是 对书店的了解 对销量的了解

4. The knowledge has to be organised into a knowledge graph a vast web of interconnections.

这些知识必须被整编进知识图谱中 形成相互联系的知识网络

5. Neal would have had to have had knowledge he was committing a crime, knowledge he couldn't possibly have had when the source contacted him.

尼尔需要知道他当时是在犯罪 可线人联系他时 他根本不知道

6. I also know you gather hidden knowledge and have practitioners of magic knowledge in your tribes.

我还知道你们收集隐匿于世的知识 让你们部落中的人对魔法知识进行实践

7. It was an apple of knowledge, and knowledge kills innocence as surely as winter snow kills summer blooms.

那可是智慧树的果实 而智慧扼杀无知 正如冬天的雪摧残夏日的花

8. Of course, you know that if these documents come to light, the military has no knowledge of said such documents, nor any knowledge of how they got into the wrong hands.

当然 但你得明白一旦这些资料曝光 军方对此类资料还并不知悉 对资料从何途径流入不法之手也毫不知情

9. I come bearing knowledge to trade essential knowledge for the future, primarily in my head, and, uh, I prefer ‭to keep that where it is.

我是来用知识做交换的... 未来必要的知识 主要在我头脑里 我希望我的头脑最好留在肩上

10. Vivaldi, he had knowledge of how to play instruments, he had knowledge of human hands and human bodies, but the algorithm doesn't, it just kind of shoves loads of stuff in together.

维瓦尔第知道如何弹奏乐器 他了解人的手和身体 但是算法不了解 它只会把一堆音符堆凑在一起



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

