中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [,ri:ә'plai]

[法] 再申请, 再运用

v. t. & i. To apply again.


1. No, we're gonna... we're gonna reapply the sunscreen.

不 我们要 我们要再抹点防晒霜

2. Which means they will have to reapply for their legal pitches.


3. As it is their first trial, I reapply for the supporter to stay.

而且是他们第一次审判 我再次请求 原告的辅佐人能陪着他们

4. When I reapplied, they said my rates had doubled because I had a heart condition.

当我再去续保的时候 他们说我的费率要翻倍 因为我有心脏病

5. You'll need to reapply as temporary foster parents for this specific case.

你们还需要针对这个案子 重新申请临时收养资格

6. So you took your sorry ass behind my back and decided to reapply.

所以你这个可怜虫 又决定背着我再申请是吧

7. But because I was in the kitchen every day, every day they had to be reapplied with black sharpie.

可因为我天天进厨房 他们每天都得用黑色记号笔描补

8. I never thought about reapplying for government exemptions to mitigate construction overages.

我从来没有想过 要重新申请政府豁免 以减轻建设过剩

9. I'll reapply for school and get the hell out of here, and you can get back to your secret life.

我会申请转学 然后离开这里 你可以回去过你的二人世界了

10. Somebody injected the bottle with cyanide, then cleverly reapplied the waxtipped top to disguise any signs of tampering.

有人往瓶内注入了氰化物 然后聪明地将盖子再次用蜡封好 以掩盖动手脚的痕迹



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

