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adv. 冰川地

r. by a glacier


1. Chatter marks are very diagnostic features of glacial erosion, they're produced by boulders embedded in the base of a thick sheet of glacial ice.

颤动擦痕是冰蚀作用非常典型的特征 它们是由埋藏在厚冰川底部的卵石 作用于地表岩石时形成的

2. The feature that we're looking at here are a series of subparallel glacial scratches and grooves and these are, again, are produced by the glacial ice sheet dragging boulders across this very durable granite surface, it's kind of polished the surface.

我们所要寻找的 就是一条条近似平行的冰川划痕和沟槽 同样地 它们是由冰川拖着大卵石 穿过这种异常坚硬的花岗岩表面 且不断地打磨着表面

3. Everything good you have in your life is because of that glacial resolve.

你生命所有的美好事物 都得益于那个冰山般的决心

4. It's almost like you grew up in glacial waters or something.


5. Huge mountains, volcanic eruptions and glacial ice shaped the area.

高耸的山峰 咆哮的火山 以及冰川造就了这座城市

6. The destruction caused by the ice points to a gigantic glacial event that would dwarf the future metropolis.

冰川所造成的破坏力表明 存在一次大规模的冰川运动 给未来的都市一重击

7. He's gained a reputation for creating incredible flavor combinations from the wild ingredients of this glacial wonderland.

他声名在外 用这冰雪世界的野生食材 创造出妙不可言的风味组合

8. There were two employee deaths on your ward in less than a month excop, a prosecutor sniffing around, and glacial progress that's what happened.

短短不到一个月内 你的病房有两名员工身亡 还有个前警察要举报你 四处嗅探 外加极其缓慢的进展 就这样

9. Those boulders impinged on this bedrock surface, polishing it, oothing it off and then plucking pieces of rock off as the glacial ice moved over with the boulders embedded in the base.

这些卵石撞击着基岩表面 不断地打磨地表 使其平滑 另外随着冰川运动的同时 这些卵石还会从地表上 拖拽一块块岩石下来

10. Just imagine glacial ice, a huge thick ice sheet over a mile thick, exerting tremendous pressure on the surface and sculpting the surface into the landscape that we see today.

想象一下 一块厚达1.6千米的冰层 会给地表造成多么巨大的压力 进而将其雕琢成现在的模样



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