中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈəʊnə(r)] 美 [ˈoʊnər]

n. 拥有者, 物主, 所有人
[经] 所有者, 物主, 业主

n. (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business
n. a person who owns something


1. Cat owners will definitely be aware of this, but it may not be so well known amongst noncat owners, and this is the purr that cats do when they want something from their owners, and very often that is in anticipation of food or if you're preparing food.

猫主人肯定十分了解 但对不养猫的人来说也许没那么熟悉 当猫发出这种叫声时 说明他们想要从主人身上获得什么 而且大多数时候是乞求食物 或是在你准备食物时

2. I tracked down the home owner, and it turns out the owner's father lived there.

我查了查房子的主人 结果发现房主的父亲住在这里

3. They were passed down from owner to owner, until eventually being sold to an entertainment franchise company.

多次转手之后 最终卖给了 一家连锁娱乐公司

4. Certainly owners believe that their cats are very affectionate towards them, but we are starting to think the cat views the owner more as the provider of resources than of safety, which is the key feature of a secure attachment.

猫主人相信猫 对他们很有感情 但是我们认为 猫把主人看做 资源提供者 而不是安全庇护所 而这是依恋式关系的重点

5. They would eat their owners if they could.


6. The owner was your father, and you were with him.

那老板是 爸 当时你跟他在一起

7. I want you having this and not the owner.


8. What about the owners, are they... In Ibiza.

房主呢 他们... 在伊维萨岛

9. I'm sorry, but the owner was very clear.

抱歉 但老板的意思很清楚

10. I figured that's when the owners had moved out.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

