中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈtɔɪlɪt]

n. 厕所, 盥洗室;梳妆, 打扮
vi. 梳妆, 打扮
vt. 给…梳妆打扮


1. I'll flush the toilet. I'll flush your toilet.

我会冲厕所的 我会帮你冲厕所

2. If he tells you to clean the toilet, you clean the toilet.

他让你去扫厕所 你就去扫厕所

3. Let me go to the toilet, there's no toilet paper.

让我去厕所 没有卫生纸

4. I mean, go toilet. I need to go toilet.

我是说去厕所 我要去上厕所

5. What did... I'm off to the toilet.

是怎么... 我去厕所了

6. When you go to the toilet on this particular drug, it is not like going to the toilet as we know.

当你用上这个药 上厕所的时候 和我们平时上厕所感觉不一样

7. But in 1989 the ratio of people to a toilet seat was 900 people to a toilet seat.

但在1989年人口和马桶数量的比例是 900个人只有1个马桶

8. I can't flush toilet paper anymore, and actually I have to discard it in a separate bin right next to the toilet.

我不能再冲卫生纸了 我必须把纸扔到 马桶旁边的垃圾桶里

9. It's because we've come to learn that toilets are used for waste, we can't easily overcome our disgust triggered by the thought of drinking out of a contaminated toilet.

由于我们想当然认为马桶中都是排泄物 所以一想到从污秽的马桶中喝水 我们很难克制自己感到恶心的生理反应

10. The city says that if there is one toilet for 50 people, that is 10 families have one toilet seat, it means they have is adequate sanitation.

市政府说如果每50人有一个厕所 也就是说如果每10个家庭有一个马桶 这就表示他们拥有充足的卫生设施



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

