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音标: 英 [krʌʃ] 美 [krʌʃ]

n. 压碎, 粉碎, 群众, 迷恋
vt. 压破, 征服, 塞, 弄皱, 榨出
vi. 被压碎, 起皱, 挤

n. a dense crowd of people
n. the act of crushing
v. break into small pieces
v. humiliate or depress completely


1. It would crush him. It would crush his heart.

那样会摧毁他的 他的心会碎的

2. crushed it! I could teach a class on crushing it.

超棒 我都能教一堂如何做到超棒的课了

3. I could crush you like I crushed the others.


4. He crushed all your dreams, and now you're crushing mine.

他粉碎了你所有的梦想 现在你来粉碎我的

5. I crushed you in the closet game, and I'm crushing it on the Internet.

我在衣柜生意上狠狠打敗了你 我也要在互聯網上打敗你

6. And I know she's about to get crushed, and the guy who's gonna crush her is my patient, too.

我知道有人要整垮她 要整垮她的人也是我的病人

7. They will use you to crush your brothers and sisters, and then they will crush you.

他们会利用你摧毁你的兄弟姐妹 然后再摧毁你

8. So I had to take some time off until I was able to crush it at 100%, at which point I resumed crushing it fulltime.

我只能休整一段时间 直到我能爆出往日雄风 从那之后就没停过

9. crushing is a paraphilia where someone's sexual aroused by the crushing of objects with a human body.

粉碎行为是一种 倒错 患者通过用人体将物件击碎而产生性兴奋

10. Just as the weight of knowing what has passed is crushing you, so am I crushed by the weight of knowing what may become.

就如同你知道过去的负担在压垮你一样 知道未来的负担也在压垮我



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

