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音标: 英 [ˈhɔ:nbɪl] 美 [ˈhɔrnˌbɪl]

n. 犀鸟

n. bird of tropical Africa and Asia having a very large bill surmounted by a bony protuberance; related to kingfishers


1. So, it's to the trees' advantage to attract the hornbill's attention.

所以吸引双角犀鸟的注意 对树木来说很有利

2. Some, like the pied hornbill, are a strong indicator of an intact forest.

类似斑犀鸟这样的鸟类 是一片森林未受破坏的最有力证据

3. A single fig tree in fruit attracts great numbers of hornbills.


4. The figs themselves, although they taste nice, are not, in fact, very nutritious, so the hornbills have to eat great quantities of them.

无花果虽然好吃 但没有多少营养 所以犀鸟需要大量进食

5. It's particularly important for hornbills to get the best pairing because, once established, the bond between male and female will last a lifetime.

对犀鸟而言结成最佳的伴侣尤为重要 因为雄鸟与雌鸟之间的纽带一旦建立 将持续一生

6. Great hornbills have wings that are almost two meters across, and they enable the birds to travel long distances in search of food.

双角犀鸟翼展接近两米 借此它们得以 远距离飞行搜寻食物

7. The forest also benefits from these squabbles, because even a defeated hornbill will spread seeds over wide areas as he searches for his next meal.

森林也从这些争执中受益 因为即使是战败的犀鸟 也会在寻找下一餐时 将种子大范围播撒



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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