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音标: 英 [ˈmælkəntent] 美 [ˌmælkənˈtent]

a. 抱不平的, 不满的, 不服的
n. 不满现状的人

n. a person who is discontented or disgusted


1. He's grumpy on the outside, morose and malcontent on the inside.

他表面上脾气暴躁 内心里满腹牢骚郁郁寡欢

2. You can't seriously believe I killed that pathetic malcontent.

你不会真以为我杀了 那个可悲的骗子吧

3. What we have here, your honors, is nothing more than the grumblings of a malcontented maidservant.

她的证词 法官大人 不过是一个女佣 不满的牢骚罢了

4. Those malcontents will be a problem to anyone in this room who stands behind you today.

那些不满分子会成为今天这屋里 支持你的人的麻烦

5. But you went out of your way to convince me that you were something other than what you are a basementdwelling malcontent with an axe to grind.

但是你好好的道不走 却来让我相信 你是和现在的你不一样的人物 只会在地下室抱怨的生物

6. He finds a malcontent in our clients' firm to copy confidential files to a hard drive.

他在客户的公司里找到了一个心怀不满的人 通过这个人把 拷贝到了一个硬盘上

7. Postpunk was characterised by refuseniks and malcontents who shunned the bright lights of the big time.

后朋克时期的显著特征是 者和反叛者 他们避开了朋克全盛时期的光辉

8. I imagined those wild west movies my father was so fond of, of a town full of anarchists, malcontents, and savages.

我以为会像是我父亲特喜欢的那些蛮荒西部片 一座城市中充斥着煽动作乱的人 反抗者 还有野蛮人

9. The digital world is filled with anonymous malcontents hiding behind screens, conducting all manner of spurious acts.

数码世界里 满是躲在屏幕后不满现状的匿名者 用各种手段伪造

10. My department is a proud and honorable one, and I will not stand by while the malcontent press dwells on a few bad apples and drags our good name down.

我们警局的人正直清廉 我是不会允许一些不满的媒体记者 因为揪住了几颗老鼠屎 就坏了我们一整锅汤的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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