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音标: 英 [dɪs'meɪɪŋlɪ] 美 [dɪs'meɪɪŋlɪ]

adv. 令人沮丧地, 令人惊愕地


1. I've already heard their whispers of di ay.


2. Though I'm a bit di ayed it's practically empty.

虽然我有点失望 因为这里变得很空了

3. I am di ayed at myself, that I would trust a man so transparently false.

我对自己很失望 居然相信一个显然不诚实的人

4. Imagine my di ay when you popped up on the base perimeter cam.

你能想象当我看见你出现在监控里时 心中的厌恶之情吗

5. Much to my di ay, theory seems to have replaced pragmati .

令我沮丧的是 理论似乎取代了实用主义

6. Ladies and gents, chaps and birds, I've most di aying news.

女士们先生们 各路朋友们 我有个不太好的消息

7. A fact which, much to my di ay, I find oddly arousing.

郁闷的是 我觉得这事让我很兴奋

8. Anticipating your di ay, the judge was kind enough to give us a warrant.

你恐怕要失望了 我们有法官签署的搜查令

9. My great, great, great grandmother was di ayed that her trusted colleague had kept this from her.

我的曾曾曾祖母 感到很惊愕 她最信赖的下属 竟然隐瞒了这个消息

10. The only thing I have to offer is my own di ay and an ugly, ugly, ugly history that's beyond redemption.

我能诉说的只有绝望 还有一段不堪回首的往事 而这一切都无法被救赎



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

