中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['həʊmmeɪkɪŋ] 美 ['hoʊmmeɪkɪŋ]

n. 家政

n. the management of a household


1. I was getting to be such a good homemaker too.


2. And as you know, I'm not exactly the homemaker type.


3. And I'm here to help in my capacity as homemaker and support system.

我会尽我所能帮助你 做好家庭主夫和后勤

4. I don't plan on being little miss homemaker forever.


5. From happy homemaker to road rage case.

从一个快乐的主妇 变成路怒症患者

6. So we need to get the word out fast that it is controversial and that we homemakers are not being represented.

我们需要快速传出消息 这具有争议 我们这些主妇没有被代表

7. They include a carpenter, an international recording artist, a homemaker, a mechanic, some working, some retired.

他们中有一名木匠 一名国际知名唱片艺人 一名家庭主妇 一名技工 有的在职 有的则已退休

8. You told me that your mom was a homemaker and your dad was a sale an, but I don't think you actually told me what he sold.

你说过 妈是家庭主妇 爸爸是销售员 但好像没告诉过我是卖什么的

9. I spent years acting like the sweet, supportive homemaker and never had a negative word to say.

那么多年来 我一直装成体贴而又贤惠的家庭主妇 从不说一句怨言

10. Before she took up our cause, we were the punchline of jokes on late night talk shows, made to feel guilty for being proud homemakers, wanting to stay home with our children instead of going to work in an office.

在她接过我们的事业大旗之前 我们就是深夜脱口秀里的搞笑段子 为身为一名自豪的家庭主妇而感到羞愧 羞愧于想在家陪伴孩子 而不是出门上班



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

