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n. 珍贵;过分讲究

n the quality possessed by something with a great price or value
n the positive quality of being precious and beyond value
n the quality of being fastidious or excessively refined


1. You have to believe your life is precious, that all life is precious.

你要相信你的命很宝贵 所有的生命都是宝贵的

2. but I'm selling it because my freedom is more precious to me than a precious locket from the 1870s.

但是因为对我来说 我的自由 比这个19世纪70年代的小吊坠更值钱

3. Their precious blood bought us precious time.


4. We are happy to pay what these precious, precious items are worth.

我们很愿意为这些宝贵的东西买单 宝贵的东西是值得的

5. violin, a precious instrument; violin, a precious instrument; a violin.

Officer, stop it! It is an antique Officer, stop it! It is an antique Alas, I was never taught to play

6. I'm going to go completely naked and cover my precious junk with your precious book.

那我就 用你亲爱的书 遮住我的宝贝

7. If there's anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity.

这宗可怕的惨剧给我们一个教训 就是男模特的生命是很宝贵的

8. That's why our time here is so precious.


9. Your life is not as precious as it once was.


10. You don't, but you don't understand. It's very precious.

你不 你不明白 它很珍贵



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

