中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [,revә'lju:ʃənaiz]

vt. 使革命化, 彻底改革, 彻底改变

v fill with revolutionary ideas
v change radically


1. This could completely revolutionise how and when we intervene in suicidal behaviour.

这或许能够彻底颠覆 我们进行自杀干预的时间与方法

2. This robot is set to revolutionise the entire manufacturing industry.

这款机器人必将为 整个制造业带来革新

3. Artificial intelligence could really revolutionise health care.


4. This traction engine will revolutionise how this farm is run, you'll see.

牵引机会改革这个农场的经营方式 你等着瞧吧

5. Kahneman's insight into our mistakes with money were to revolutionise our understanding of economics.

卡尼曼对我们和金钱有关错误的深刻洞见 是让我们对经济学理解的一次变革

6. If it works, it will revolutionise our ability to predict and prevent avalanches.

如果实验成功 它将彻底改变人类预测 及预防雪崩的能力

7. In the 1950s and '60s, cheap plastic sheeting revolutionised farming here.

上世纪五六十年代 便宜的塑料布 彻底改变了这里的农业

8. It'll bring in millions and revolutionise the automobile industry. If it works.

如果成功的話 它將帶來百萬收益 並革新汽車行業

9. It'll be those complete unknowns, I think, that'll revolutionise our understanding of the universe.

我认为那些完全未知的事物 会彻底变革我们对宇宙的理解

10. By monitoring ourselves and pooling that information, we could unearth knowledge that would revolutionise the way we practise medicine.

通过监测自己并获得信息 我们发掘出的知识 可以彻底改革医学的实施方式



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

