中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌtrænsmju:'teɪʃn] 美 [ˌtrænsmjuˈteʃən, ˌtrænz-]

n. 变形, 变化, 演变
[医] 蜕变, 嬗变, 衍变

n. an act that changes the form or character or substance of something
n. (physics) the change of one chemical element into another (as by nuclear decay or radioactive bombardment)


1. Tran utation, the ability to alter matter on a molecular level.

转变 是在分子层面上转变物质的能力

2. All I need to do is find the tran utation formula in his memory, and you'll be... as good as gold.

我只要找到他大脑中的转化秘诀 你就...能变成金子了

3. A mad genius who discovered the formula for tran uting elements... to gold.

他就是发现能把其他元素 转化为金子的方法的疯狂天才

4. Not tran utation to an afterlife, but something even more profound: eternal life.

不是转世投胎 他们追求更深远的 永生不死

5. Unstable nuclear fission was always a danger in the tran utation process.

不稳定的核裂变在转化过程中 总是很危险的

6. It can tran ute all the pain I have suffered and give me back my life.

它能转化我遭受的所有痛苦 将本属于我的生活还给我

7. Let its great power tran ute our negative, lower energies.

让它的巨大力量改变我们的消极 与低层能量

8. He had apparently performed the miracle of tran utation, turning lesser metals into glittering gold.

他能够施一种神奇的变形术 将廉价的金属转换为金灿灿的黄金

9. Use your body to tran ute one feeling which attracts negativity to one which repels it.

使用你的身体将吸收消极的感觉 转化为排斥消极的感觉

10. At one of these demonstrations, he's supposed to have tran uted a number of silver coins into an ingot of pure gold.

在一次施法中 他将一些银币 成功转换成了纯黄金



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

