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音标: 英 [ˈprɪnsəpld] 美 [ˈprɪnsəpəld]

a. 原则的, 有原则的, 原则性的

a. based on or manifesting objectively defined standards of rightness or morality


1. What? It's not about you. It's the principle.

怎么了 跟你没关系 这是原则问题

2. No, it's not about that. It's about the principle.

不是那个问题 这是原则问题

3. Well, principles aren't principles when you pick and choose when you're going to follow them.

原则就是原则 不管何时 都要遵从自己的原则

4. Okay, well, if you have an agreement in principle, you can have a disagreement in principle.

行 如果你们已经有原则性协议了 你们也可以原则性毁约

5. The two principles, the difference principle, helping the least well off, redistribution and all that.

两个原则 差异原则 帮助最不利群体 财富再分配等等

6. Everybody's got their principles, and their principles are dragging my daughter closer to jail.

每个人都有自己的原则 他们的原则快要害我女儿蹲监狱了

7. 哈佛大学 the world which is governed by the principles of quantum physics, everything should, in principle, be reversible.

米哈伊尔·卢金教授 量子物理学原理占据统治地位 原则上说 一切事物都应当是可逆的

8. It's a basic principle of cause and effect and as a historian, I know that that principle has real validity.

这是基本的因果关系 作为历史学家 我清楚这一原理的准确性

9. And by studying these mutants, they could understand lots of common principles, lots of the basic principles of genetics.

通过研究这些突变体 他们可以理解很多一般性原理 很多遗传学的基本原理

10. Because remember, the first principle we would agree to behind the veil of ignorance, is the principle of equal basic liberties.

因为 记住了 在无知之幕背后 我们都认同的首要原则就是 基于平等的自由原则



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