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音标: 英 [ˈsɪmələlɪ] 美 [ˈsɪmələrlɪ]

adv. 相像地, 类似于

r. in like or similar manner


1. Which is not similar. It is not similar at all, you understand.

一点都不相仿 一点都不相仿

2. She's a similar age, similar dreams, I would guess.

她应该跟你年龄相仿 梦想也差不多

3. Again, very similar crimp, very similar size, looks very attractive.

相似的卷边 大小也差不多 看起来很诱人

4. Uh, they do similar work, they come from a similar place.

他们干的活和我差不多 老家也差不多

5. So, usually, men are attracted to women, and women are attracted to men, but sometimes it's not that way, and the genetics, actually, is very, very similar, the percentage is very similar, and we have a similar situation that the genes determine the shape of this obstacle course, and sometimes it'll go one way, and sometimes it'll go the other way.

通常情况下男人被女人吸引 女人被男人吸引 但有的时候却不是这样 基因其实是非常 非常相似的 所占比例也非常接近 基因形成的障碍通道路线 也是非常相似的 个体有时会朝这个方向发展 有时则会朝其它的方向发展

6. They're both made of similar parts, do similar things but developed completely independently.

它们是由相似部件做成的 功能也差不多 但是二者其实截然不同

7. See, letters from both killers use similar phrasing and similar combinations of letters.

看 凶手的信措辞相近 而且用了相似的字母组合

8. In a similar manner, other secret societies have had similar goals and have therefore become dangerous.

同理 其他秘密组织 也有类似的目标 因此也变得危险

9. And when we bring out the bat's skeleton, we start to see here another similarity, another pattern of similarity with all of these other animals that we've looked at.

从蝙蝠的骨骼标本中 我们能看到另外一种共通点 我们之前观察的三种动物都有的 共同骨骼结构

10. Because aside from the similarities, I'm not him.

因为除了那些相似之处以外 我并不是他



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

