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音标: 英 [pi:ɪŋ]

v. 小便, 撒尿( pee的现在分词 )

n. informal terms for urination


1. When he heard me peeing, it made him have to pee.

他听到我 的声音 也想 了

2. Just don't get any pee on it. I don't pee myself.

别尿上头就好 我才不尿裤子

3. It's where we pee when we gotta pee when we're walking the perimeter.

这是我们巡视时 想尿时会尿的地方

4. Go pee. I'm not gonna stop you from peeing.

去撒尿吧 我又不会阻止你撒尿

5. I've had to pee so long that I no longer have to pee, which I think is dangerous.

我想 好久了 久到我现在都不想尿了 我觉得这有点危险

6. I'm five months pregnant. I got to pee when I got to pee.

我怀孕五个月了 我尿频

7. It's the scarring, the mislocated pee hole, the second pee hole.

问题在伤疤 那个错位的马眼 第二个马眼

8. Once a dog pees on a tree, he doesn't wanna one another dog peeing there.

只要在一棵树下尿过 就不许其它狗尿在那儿了

9. Everything a boy needs for making pee pee in new and strange places.

内含一名小男孩要在陌生新环境嘘嘘 所需要的一切用品

10. We burp, we fart, we pee when we laugh, which only makes us laugh more, which makes us pee more.

打嗝 放屁 大笑的时候尿出来 从而让我们笑得更厉害 从而让我们尿得更多



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

