中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kræpɪ] 美 ['kræpɪ]

n. [动]刺盖太阳鱼属(Pomoxis)鱼

n. small sunfishes of the genus Pomoxis of central United States rivers
n. small sunfishes of central United States rivers


1. If you're gonna be a crappy teacher, then I'm gonna be a crappy student.

如果你要当个烂老师 那我就当个烂学生

2. traveled in crappy vans to sstay at crappy hotels all so I could earn enough to get high.

乘着破厢式货车浪迹天涯 住在破旧的旅馆里 就为了赚钱买

3. II quit my crappy job and I packed my crappy car and I drove clear across the country just so I could take the stand.

我辞了烂工作 打包了我的破车 横穿了整个国家 就为了能够出庭作证

4. Yeah, it was crappy, but it was ours.

它是很破 但是属于我们的

5. You are a crappy artist and you are wrong.

你是个蹩脚的画家 你真错了

6. We were young and doing crappy clubs.

我们当时很年轻 在很烂的俱乐部表演

7. When I was your age, I was a crappy student.

我在你这个年纪时 成绩很差

8. It was our crappy case to begin with.


9. But you're right, they they are pretty crappy.

不过你们说得对 这确实是破玩意

10. That was a crappy thing to do, and I'm sorry.

这事我办得不地道 抱歉



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

