中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['trævld] 美 ['trævəld]

a. 富有旅行经验的, 旅客常到的

a. traveled over or through; sometimes used as a combining term
s. familiar with many parts of the world


1. I'm just travelling. I'm a traveller, that's all.

我就是在旅行 我只是个旅者而已

2. All I do is travel, that's what I am, just a traveller.

我不过是旅行 我就是个旅行者

3. And sorry I am I could not travel both and be one traveler.


4. They travel in space, they travel as a pack.

它們遨游于太空中 它們成群結隊

5. If I could travel anywhere, I'd travel anywhere but here.

如果我能去任何地方 我去哪儿也不来这里

6. If you have to travel alone, travel in style.

就算一个人出行 也要有派头

7. Brendan, would travel first class in the train and my stepbrother would travel in second class, and I was made to travel third.

布兰登坐火车的头等车厢 我同母异父的弟弟坐二等车厢 我坐三等车厢

8. And we could travel through time as easily as we travel through space.

也就是说我们可以像在空间中移动一样 轻松地穿越时间

9. And they will travel up that waterfall here, and they'll travel in thousands.

它们会游上这个瀑布 而且它们会数以千计集体行动

10. It took time travel to create time travel.

用时间旅行 来创造时间旅行



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

