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音标: 英 [ˈhæmlət] 美 [ˈhæmlɪt]

n. 小村, 部落

n. a community of people smaller than a village
n. the hero of William Shakespeare's tragedy who hoped to avenge the murder of his father


1. I was passing through your little hamlet when I stumbled up on you.

我经过你们这个小村庄时 不小心遇到了你们

2. hamlet's wondering if it's worth killin' himself to avoid all the troubles.

哈姆雷特在琢磨他自杀 避免所有的麻烦是否值得

3. A fleet of taxis shuttle people to outlying hamlets and beaches.


4. And mark my words, he not only will come, he has come to our little hamlet.

聽我說 怪物不僅會來 他已經來過我們的小鎮了

5. hamlet's father is killed by his brother, who then takes the throne and marries the dead brother's wife.

哈姆雷特的父亲被他兄弟所杀 而他兄弟夺取了王位 娶了他亡兄的妻子

6. Nothing you can say will keep me in this aby al hamlet a moment longer than I need to be.

你说的一切 都不会让我待在这破镇上 我一刻都不想多待了

7. you can stay in your sleepy little hamlet and watch people leave you or you can move forward.

你可以待在你昏昏欲睡的小村庄 看着人们离开你 或者你可以翻篇

8. We traveled openly and slowly along the main roads and stopped at every croft, village, and hamlet we came to.

我们光明正大地沿着大道缓慢前进 在途径的每个村落农庄稍作停留

9. Rumours had reached even the remotest villages and hamlets of incredible developments just over the horizon, towns bigger than anyone could imagine, astounding new machines and money to be made for those ready to take the risk.

连最偏远乡村的人们都听到传闻 惊人的发展即将来临 城市比他们想象的 更加庞大 令人惊诧的新机器和无限的商机 等着那些勇于冒险的人们



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

