中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈweɪkfl] 美 [ˈwekfəl]

a. 觉醒的, 警觉的, 戒备的, 不能入睡的, 失眠的, 不眠的

s carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger
s (of sleep) easily disturbed
s marked by full consciousness or alertness


1. So come on, wake up, wake up, wake up.

好了, 醒来, 醒来, 醒来

2. He will not wake up until we wake him up.

在我们叫醒他之前 他都不会醒

3. So, it's unclear when he might wake up, if he were to wake up.

还不清楚他什么时候醒 前提是他会醒的话

4. This is a wake up call. It's a wake up call.

这是个警钟 的确是警钟

5. You weren't supposed to wake up or rather you couldn't wake up.

您不该醒来 或者说您根本醒不过来

6. That she won't wake up soon, or that she won't wake up ever.

另一种就是她不会很快醒来 甚至可能永远都无法醒来

7. You should be prepared for him to wake up with severe deficits or not wake up at all.

你們要做好心理準備 他很可能醒來之后伴有嚴重的腦部障礙 或者他永遠醒不過來了

8. Wake up in the morning, the house knows that I am waking up.

当我早晨醒来 房子知道我已经醒了

9. Part of me wanted to wake him up to make sure I could wake him up.

我总有点想叫醒他 只是为了确保他能醒来

10. I'll be there when you wake up. I'll be there.

你醒来时我会在的 我会的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

