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n. 平稳期;固结于基座
v. 为…打基础;以…为根据;置于底座上;拥有基地(base的ing形式)
n. (Basing)人名;(英)贝辛

v use as a basis for; found on
v situate as a center of operations
v use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes


1. Second base, third base, back to first.

二垒 三垒 再回到一垒

2. I'm probably confusing second base for third base.


3. At the base of his neck, right at the base, a chip has been implanted.

他的脖子里 脖子的正中间 被植入了一个芯片

4. Based on merit, not based on who he prefers to sleep with at any particular moment.

这应该基于个人能力 而不是基于 他那时候喜欢跟谁

5. We are two minutes from base, repeat, two minutes from base.

我们离基地还有两分钟 重复 离基地还有两分钟

6. We d‭on't have the numbers to defend our base and hold the base station.

我们没那么多人去守护基地 又同时控制太空基站

7. If I closed every military base that might be threatened, I'd have no bases left.

如果我关闭了 所有可能受威胁的军事基地 就一个不剩了

8. That's home base, so whenever I say go home, that's your home base.

那是刹车 所以当我说刹车的时候 你踩那里就是刹车了

9. Now we could be about to enter a new age, based on our ability to manipulate matter at the allest scale, based on nanotechnology.

现在我们正要进入一个基于 我们在最小尺寸上控制物质能力的 新时代 即纳米技术时代

10. In it, you cooperate with your team of four other players to try to storm the base of your opponent's and destroy it before they storm your base and destroy you.

在游戏里面 你和其他4名玩家相互配合 来试图摧毁敌人的基地 并在敌人摧毁你的基地 和你之前完成目标



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

