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[计] 低电瓶逻辑


1. I’LL go down to the front desk, and I’LL have them check your door lock and reprogram your key.

我下去跟前台说一声 让他们看看你的锁 重新给你配一张

2. No, don't touch me! I 'LL take it from here.

不 不要碰我 我来送你

3. "LL can't fly anymore,” and they didn't.


4. What can I do? I’LL teLL you what you can do.

我该做什么 我来告诉你

5. You watch your words, sir, or I 'LL have you.

注意你的言辞 先生 否则我要你好看

6. Volume LL is much more mature, you'LL see.

第二部更成熟 你会看到的

7. If I show him these photos of you and I speaking, he’LL probably kiLL you himself.

如果我给他看 你和我交谈时拍下的照片 他应该会亲自杀了你

8. Okay, I LL teach you, but I expect fuLL obedience.

好吧 我可以教你 但你要完全服从我指挥

9. Then I’LL be sitting in a jail ceLL, even more powerless.

那我就只能坐在牢房里 更加的无助

10. When you get out we’LL announce that we’re getting married.

等你出来 就宣布我们的婚讯



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

