中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['faɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈfaɪtɪŋ]

a. 战斗的, 容易引起争斗的, 适于格斗的, 好斗的, 好战的, 斗争的, 搏斗的
n. 战斗, 斗争, 搏斗

n the act of fighting; any contest or struggle
v be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight
v fight against or resist strongly
v make a strenuous or labored effort
v exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for
s engaged in or ready for military or naval operations


1. There you go. I fight, fight, fight.

就是这样 我反抗 反抗 反抗

2. I fight and i fight...and i fight, but I've been so stupid.

我一直抵抗… 抵抗 我如此愚蠢

3. They're just fighting, and fighting, and fighting.

他们就是在争 争 还是争

4. It is not our fight. It is our fight.

这不是属于我们的斗争 这就是

5. you fight me. I'm not fighting you.

跟我 我不会 的

6. I fight and fight and fight for our son, and you're no help.

我为儿子不停的努力 而你却袖手旁观

7. If you want me to fight them, I'll fight them.

如果你要我和他们打架 我会打

8. How you fight until you can't fight anymore.


9. We fight for people who can't fight for themselves.


10. She got into a fight. It wasn't a fight.

她跟同学吵起来了 我没吵架



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

