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音标: 英 [dɪs'repjətəbl] 美 [dɪsˈrɛpjətəbəl]

a. 名誉不好的, 不光彩的, 声名狼藉的

a. lacking respectability in character or behavior or appearance


1. He had dragged it into such disrepute that there was no recovery.

他让这一制度声名狼藉 无法恢复

2. See, the problem wasn't that I was disreputable.

瞧 问题并不在于我名声不好

3. So it's sort of bringing everything into disrepute.


4. I have brought myself and the police service into disgrace and disrepute.

我让我自己和警局 蒙受耻辱和污名

5. It seems like this establishment is the wrong kind of disreputable.

看来这个场子 堕落错了方式

6. No. I've lived a disreputable life, but I've done it in style, and I'll die likewise.

我这一生品行不端 却活出了风格 死也要死得有尊严

7. Oh, I'm so sorry, sirs, to see you bringing magic into such disrepute.

我真抱歉 先生们 看见你们把魔法 变得如此声名狼藉

8. Now, it brings the navy into disrepute and it threatens our goodwill in that region.

这个事件不仅会让海军名誉扫地 而且我们在那个地区的信誉也会因此受损

9. You 've brought the navy into disrepute and you will be charged at a formal hearing.

你让海军蒙羞了 你会在正式听证会上被起诉

10. There are a lot of assistedliving facilities out there that may be disreputable, but that's not the case with our client, not even close.

外面是有很多名声很差的 生活协助中心 但我们的客户不是 一点都不是



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

