中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [spɒt] 美 [spɑt]

n. 污点, 地点, 斑点, 点, 娱乐场所, 处境, 少量
a. 当场的, 现场的, 现货买卖的, 现金交易的, 抽样的
vt. 点缀, 玷污, 认出, 准确定...的位, 用灯光照射
vi. 玷污, (从空中)侦察敌方目标

n. a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising
n. a small contrasting part of something
n. a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance
n. a business establishment for entertainment


1. And then try to slap that spot instead of some other spot.

尽力扇到这个点 而不是其它点

2. There's a little bit of a black spot or a dark spot.


3. That's 28 spots at $450,000 per spot.

28个广告位 45万一位

4. You even get spots, what look like fungal spots, on these.

这些斑点 看着好像树叶上的菌斑

5. You're the best in the world at getting out of tight spots, and I was in a really tight spot.

你是世界上最厉害的脱逃术师 而我当时真的处于险境

6. Now I'm doing twotothree spots a night, instead of twotothree spots a week.

现在每晚我都有两到三个演出 以前我每周只有两到三个演出

7. she was being clever, she was a real gogetter, and she put me in a bad spot, a real bad spot.

她很聪明 也很能做事 她对我很不利 非常不利

8. Yeah, you can see the mark, the dark spot on the trees over there, you can see the dark spots there.

是啊 看那些标记 那边树上的黑点 能看到那边的黑点吗

9. And I looked down and he's right next to me, like, three feet from me and he spots me, and I spot him, and he just goes jumping, leaps through the water and I just fell over.

低头一看 他却在身边不远处 大概三尺开外 我们相互对视 他跳起来 从水上跃过去 而我跌倒了

10. How did he spot you? I don't know.

他怎么识破你的 我不知道



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

