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音标: 英 [mәu'zeiik]

n. 马赛克, 镶嵌细工, 镶嵌工艺
a. 马赛克的, 镶嵌细工的, 拼花的
vt. 用镶嵌细工装饰
[计] Mosaic浏览程序

n. art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass
n. viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves
n. a freeware browser
n. a pattern resembling a mosaic


1. a sort of a mosaic or massive tapestry.

像是马赛克 或是巨大的挂毯

2. And probably part of a mosaic of some kind.


3. Originally, all these surfaces were covered with mosaic.

最初 所有表面都装饰有镶嵌画

4. You see the world as binary. It's a mosaic.

你对待这个世界太非黑即白 明明是色彩缤纷的

5. He's a lot aller than he looks in the mosaics.


6. You could have mosaic tables, you could have a caidal tent if you want.

你可以放几张 马赛克桌子 如果你想的话还可以用摩洛哥凯达尔式帐篷

7. Unfortunately, the artisan who created the mosaics was prolific.

很不幸 創造這款馬賽克的工匠很多產

8. But they are treated almost as if they were the work of a medieval mosaic maker.

但它们组成的作品 仿佛出自中世纪镶嵌画家之手

9. a unique mosaic of grasslands and flood meadows surrounded by forests.

森林包围着草原与湿地草甸 形成斑驳的独特景观

10. But some of the mosaic does survive, it's behind me here, in this colonnade, now rather faded.

但有些作品得以幸存下来 就在我身后的 这一柱廊上 现在颜色已经消退



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

