中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌweərˈæz] 美 [hwɛrˈæz, wɛr-]

conj. 然而, 鉴于
[法] 考虑到, 鉴于, 就...而论

adv. At which place; where.
conj. Considering that; it being the case that; since; --
used to introduce a preamble which is the basis of declarations,
affirmations, commands, requests, or like, that follow.
conj. When in fact; while on the contrary; the case being in
truth that; although; -- implying opposition to something that
precedes; or implying recognition of facts, sometimes followed by a
different statement, and sometimes by inferences or something


1. whereas for that, you have to ask the doctor.

至于那个 你得去问医生

2. whereas I was the one who created you.

要知道 我才是制造你的那个人

3. whereas, the other one we had eight.


4. Exactly whereas you could be out on the front lines.

没错 而你却很可能被派到前线

5. He's an accountant, whereas I am a design professional.

他是个会计 而我是专业搞设计的

6. whereas you, you ell of sweat and fear.

至于你 你身上只有汗水和恐惧的气味

7. whereas you, my love, think too much.

而你啊 亲爱的 就想得太多了

8. You don't enjoy public speaking, whereas I do.

你不擅长公开演说 而我相反

9. I was a human, whereas she was a demonic hellbeast.

我是人类 可她是只魔鬼恶兽

10. He was useful, whereas you you were a useless baby.

他很有用 而你 你当时是个没用的婴儿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

