中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɡʌn] 美 [ɡʌn]

n. 枪
[医] 枪

n. a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)
n. the discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies
v. shoot with a gun


1. I got a gun. I got a gun! I got a gun.

我買了把槍 沒錯 我買了把槍

2. He gave the gun to you. It's your gun.

他把枪给了你 是你的枪

3. Say the six of them men with their guns, me with my gun, you with your gun, all commenced shooting at each other at the same time.

假设那六个人都带着枪 我带着我的枪 你带着你的枪 同时对对方开枪

4. I say guns, pick up the guns, pick up the guns and put the pigs on the run.

我说 拿起枪来 拿起枪来 把脏猪们都赶跑

5. So if you saw a gun, it's 'cause there was a gun.

所以如果你看到了枪 那肯定就是有枪

6. Why do you even own a gun? I like guns.

你怎么會有槍 我喜歡槍

7. Once you bring a gun out, more guns come out.

一旦你帶槍去 就會有別人也這么干

8. Let me ask you both about gun violence, because people in this city are scared about the proliferation of guns, but they're divided over gun control.

我想請問一下二位對槍支暴力的看法 因為這座城市的市民們 對槍支數量的激增心懷恐懼 但他們就槍支管制持有不同意見

9. It's not the big gun. It's the only gun worth firing.

这不是最有力武器 但是唯一能用的武器了

10. Well, you bring a gun so you don't have to use a gun.

装装样子而已 又不会真用



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

